Autore: FGL-Zuma Castelfranco Pisa
13 October 2024

Zuccarelli and her teammates win in front of their fans at the end of a balanced match

Coach Bracci satisfied: «It’s important to have won, it helps us gain conviction in our abilities»

The Fgl-Zuma Castelfranco Pisa fights, dreams of taking home the entire stakes, goes through a moment of difficulty but has the strength to get up and win. In the first home match of the season of the Serie A2 Tigotà championship, coach Marco Bracci‘s girls achieved a tie-break success against Casalmaggiore. The final, 3-2 (25/19-25/21-23/25-18/25-22/20) tells of a match that certainly thrilled the audience present at the PalaParenti in Santa Croce sull’Arno.

The outcome of the match smiles on the home girls, who gain the first two points in the standings at the end of a performance that can represent a further injection of confidence in the future. Both teams were returning from a defeat suffered in the first round, therefore intending to make a prompt recovery. The result was a balanced challenge, in which Fgl-Zuma can complain for not having closed the case at its best moment, but can equally exalt itself for the determination with which it managed to overcome the difficulties. Ahead by two sets, Zuccarelli and her teammates found themselves leading 19/17 in the third, but they didn’t have the strength to keep their opponents at a distance, who took advantage of it by reopening the contest and then even taking it to the fifth set. Here Castelfranco Pisa showed great mental strength, eliminating everything and fighting point for point. The result was a spectacular finale, which only ended with advantages. Top scorer of the match was Casalmaggiore’s opposite, Montano Lucumi, who scored 32 points. Among the ranks of Castelfranco Pisa the best scorer was the middle blocker Fucka with 20 points, but credit must be given to the great team effort with three athletes scoring over 15 points.


The Fgl-Zuma presents itself with Ferraro as director and Zuccarelli as opposite, Salinas and Lotti in the band, Fucka and Colzi middle-blockers, Bisconti as libero. Casalmaggiore responds with Pincerato as setter, Montano Lucumi as opposite, Costagli and Dalla Rosa as spikers, Perletti and Nwokoye middle-blockers, Faraone as libero. The home team approached the match well, almost immediately taking a slight margin which brought them to 8/5, forcing the visiting team to time out. Upon returning Casalmaggiore closes the gap and finds the equalizer at 18/18. It’s only a moment, because Castelfranco Pisa immediately conquers the break that re-establishes the distance (20/18), before the definitive extension (22/18). An attack by Salinas from place 4 gives the first set ball which Colzi immediately realizes with a granite block (25/19).


The second partial begins on the same wavelength as the first. Fucka gives +2 (9/7) to Fgl-Zuma who, with attention and determination, maintains the advantage, increasing it to 19/15. For coach Bracci’s girls it was the decisive extension, which led them to win the set with 25/21 signed by an unstoppable Fucka (7 points, of which 5 out of 5 in attack).


Casalmaggiore’s reaction comes in the third set, which sees the team return to the field with the determination of those who want to reopen the match. The Lombard girls try to run away, coach Bracci calls the girls back to him to give them directions. Lotti’s block brings Castelfranco Pisa back to -2 (13/15) and this time it is Casalmaggiore who asks for a time-out. But at the restart Zuccarelli and his teammates first complete the comeback, returning to 15/15, then they even go ahead (16/15). Fucka’s block marks the break for Fgl-Zuma (19/17). The final, however, was all in balance: Casalmaggiore recovered (19/19) and a powerful attack by Montano Lucumi recorded a +2 for the guests (20/22). Salinas tries to keep his team afloat (21/23) but Casalmaggiore manages to close the half of the game 23/25.


Castelfranco Pisa wants to close the contest and immediately takes the lead (5/2), Casalmaggiore responds immediately (5/8) and extends the score (10/15). The guests have the path mapped out and from here on it will be a short march towards the twenty-fifth point which takes the two teams to a tie-break (18/25).


The fifth partial is a concentration of emotions. Castelfranco starts well and extends the score. We change sides at 8/3, it seems done but it’s not like that: Casalmaggiore manages to get back into the game again, returning to -1 (8/7); a further reaction from Fgl-Zuma brings the team closer to victory (12/9), yet it is not yet time to celebrate. The visiting team cancels two match balls and thus goes to the advantages. Heart-pounding exchanges, spectacular defenses and powerful attacks: in the end, a block from Fucka and an ace from captain Zuccarelli gave the home team the final 22/20.


Coach Bracci: «It was a very emotional match. It’s important to have won because it helps us gain more and more conviction in our abilities. We were ahead 2-0, we had taken advantage of a few too many errors on the part of our opponents and a good game on our part. In the third and fourth sets they started to take more risks when serving, we didn’t receive as well as previously and we struggled to attack high balls. The tie-break then rewarded us: I’m happy for the girls, they were concentrated until the end».

The libero Bisconti: «We are enjoying this first victory, we played the first two sets at a good level, then we dropped in reception, but we were good in the fifth set. Playing these tie-breaks is always very nice, because it gives great energy. For the group, going through these victories is important».

Dalla Rosa (Casalmaggiore spiker): «A difficult match, we overturned the result because we were 2-0 down and didn’t play them very well. It wasn’t a given to get to the fifth set… and even there, we were down 8-3 and managed to take it to 22-20. There was a sign of strength and determination on our part. In my opinion there are positive notes because there has certainly been an improvement in the team compared to the last match, we have fixed something both in reception and in attack. I think there is still something to improve in the block-defense phase where we could do better given that we have the centimeters. But I would say that it seems right to me to stick to the many good things seen today».

Fgl-Zuma Castelfranco Pisa: Zuccarelli 14, Moschettini, Colzi 17, Salinas 17, Tosi, Vecerina, Ferraro 4, Tesi n.e., Fucka 20, Fava 1, Lotti 7, Bisconti (L) pos. 57% – prf 32%. Coach: Marco Bracci. Blocks 11; Mistakes at serve 9; aces 6.

Volleyball Casalmaggiore: Nosella, Bianchi (L) n.e., Costagli 26, Cantoni n.e., Marku, Perletti 3, Pincerato 1, Grbavica n.e., Montano Lucumi 32, Ribechi 1, Faraone (L) pos. 48% – prf 29%, Dalla Rosa 13, Nwokoye 13. Coach: Bruno Napolitano. Blocks 9; mistakes at serve 9; aces 2.

Set: first set 25/19 in 27’; second set 25/21 in 26’; third set 23/25 in 31’; fourth set 18/25 in 28’;  fifth set 22/20 in 30’.

Referees: Marta Mesiano e Giulio Cervellati. At videocheck Yuri Armelani


Alfredo Sitti

Press office Fgl-Zuma Castelfranco Pisa

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