Conegliano conquers the summit of Mont Blanc: 3-2 over Milan and triumph in the Courmayeur Cup
Autore: Lega Volley Femminile
21 September 2024

The new season starts again with the panthers in front after a great game by Gabi who wins the head-to-head with Egonu. On Saturday, September 28, in Rome, the prompt rematch with the Fineco Supercup at stake

The impression had already been made on Saturday, the confirmation was given by this evening’s final: there was little or nothing friendly in the two-day Courmayeur Cup, the tournament organized by the Women’s Volleyball League Serie A in collaboration with Master Group Sport. Many rotations, some experiments, but the competitive spirit was at the highest level and there could not have been a more direct testimony than the five sets with which Prosecco Doc Imoco Conegliano and Numia Vero Volley Milano animated the 2,800 people present at the Courmayeur Sport Center. Triumphing, with the same result as in the CEV Champions League Final in Antalya and in the Italian Cup Final in Trieste, was coach Santarelli’s team, despite being without Haak, dragged by the 26 points of a Gabi already on the ball and by the 27 (with 5 walls) of the central pair Fahr and Chirichella. However, Milan took home many moments of good play, starting with the wall: 13, 4 by an excellent Kurtagic. Despite Sylla’s absence, Daalderop proves to be in splendid form (13), the usual Cazaute is effective (12) and Egonu scores 22 points. In a nutshell, a real match, a perfect trailer of the Fineco Supercup that, on Saturday, September 28 at the Palazzo dello Sport in Rome from 6 p.m., will find again the same protagonists but with much more at stake.

Prosecco Doc Imoco Conegliano on the court with Wolosz-Haak, Gabi-Lanier, Fahr-Chirichella and libero De Gennaro. Numia Vero Volley Milano on court with Orro-Egonu, Cazaute-Daalderop, Danesi-Kurtagic and libero Fukudome. Great start for coach Lavarini’s girls, who are dragged by Egonu and Daalderop with 6 points each, the Dutchwoman even with 80% in attack, for the 0-1 that opens the match. Too inaccurate the panthers (13% in attack), also due to the many balls fouled by the Milanese wall.

Milan does not slow down and the second partial also starts in the best way, with the usual Egonu (3 points) and Cazaute (3). But this time Conegliano responds, and it comes to a tie at 9-9. From there starts the point-to-point that lasts for the entire fraction, where the reigning European champions emerge, deprived of Haak replaced by the very young Adigwe, thanks to the great effectiveness of Fahr, who rose to the top with 5 points (80%) and the important contribution of Gabi (7), who closes the set with the 25-23 point.

Santarelli continues with the changes, confirming Adigwe and deploying Lukasik for Lanier, while Lavarini confirms his sextet. Balance reigns supreme in the third set as well, with neither team hinting at a stretch until the end. The tight conclusion rewards the meneghine with a beautiful diagonal of Daalderop (4 points), which closes a very fought fraction supported by the 8 points of Egonu, while the best of the gialloblu is always Gabi with 6.

The fourth set begins without a clear master, then halfway through the fraction Conegliano unleashes and goes ahead +5, with Lavarini choosing Sylla for Cazaute exalting all the fans at the Courmayeur Sport Center. The panthers administer and don’t slow down, also thanks to the good direction of Seki in the final, who triggers well the central players and the usual Gabi (6), while Milan remains behind also due to the poor offensive efficiency (13%). The conclusion is then the second tie-break of the tournament.

Santarelli confirms Seki, Adigwe and Lukasik, while Cazaute returns among the Milan ranks. The two teams show no signs of letting up and continue their back-and-forth until the mini-partial of the meneghine, who go to the changeover at 6-8 thanks to a solid Cazaute in defense and stinging in attack. After the reversal, however, Santarelli’s team gets back ahead, and with three points in a row, closed by a nice wall by Lukasik on Egonu, goes ahead 9-8. The ending is thrilling, and at 13-13 the final kick is still by the panthers: first a point by Gabi after a very long action held up by De Gennaro, then a free ball by Chirichella that closes the contest.

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