LVF Campus – Great enthusiasm and interest in Module 4: the 2023-24 season ended with TikTok
Autore: Lega Volley Femminile
7 June 2024

Special guests Salvatore Di Mari, Head Operations Europe, and Simona Campanale, TikTok Content Partnership Manager. At the Presentation of the Championships the “Carlo Gobbi” Award was presented

The long journey of the LVF Campus for the 2023-24 season ended this morning, Friday 7 June. A unique opportunity for all the clubs in the Serie A, who since October have had the incredible opportunity to learn some secrets and the best social communication strategies from various professionals in the sector, at the complete disposal of the Clubs.

After having explored the universe of Meta in Module 1, that of Google and Youtube in Module 2 and X in Module 3, the subject of the last meeting was TikTok, an increasingly central platform for every organisation. Special guests Salvatore Di Mari, Head Operations Europe specialised in content, partnerships and communities, and Simona Campanale, TikTok Content Partnership Manager with a particular focus on sport.

Lots of curiosity and many questions after the two-hour presentation by the two talents, who explored the best practices for creating engagement by illustrating successful models and sharing valuable suggestions, as well as focusing on the tools to be used both to grow newly created profiles born than to consolidate its presence. An interactive and widely participated meeting that closed the season of LVF Campus in style, the workshop dedicated to the communication managers of the Consortium members thanks to the fundamental support of Magnet.

At the end, an update on the “Carlo Gobbi” Award, which will be awarded at the Presentation of the Championships to the best communication activation of the 2023-24 season of the Serie A Clubs, voted by a jury of professionals and experts in the sector.

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